No plague doctor costume is complete without a traditional long beaked mask “medico della peste” style.
These carnival masks take their origin from the real attire plague doctors used to wear to protect themselves from airborne diseases. Nowadays it’s one of the most popular venetian carnival costumes ever, since it’s mysterious, simple and suitable for both female and male adults.
The original ones were simply white, but the craftsmanship and talent of the venetian artisans has made it possible to come up with different patterns, colours and details. Just take a look at the stunning Long Nose Caravaggio Mask or the traditional Leonardo Plague Doctor Mask.
Please remember you are looking at our deluxe, handmade in traditional style by venetian artisans long nose masks. These masks go brilliantly with a ankle long, black cape. That’s essentially all you need to complete the look. For an extra touch, you could wear a brim hat, gloves and why not a doctor’s case?